Security Statement

It is the goal of FNBCoweta to provide our employees, customers, vendors, and visitors with a safe environment. FNBCoweta continues to maintain and update effective security programs to protect against a variety of operational and transaction risks, including crime, fraud, and natural disasters. Many laws and regulations intensify regulatory attention on the Bank’s risk management program and control in place to guard against threats. As threats to security change and technology improve, it becomes necessary and essential for our systems to be upgraded to maintain a secure operating environment.

Our physical facilities, both branch and office locations, are an integral part of our security protocol to ensure maximum safety for employees and customers. Fraud issues occasionally contain a criminal component and it is our procedure to investigate and prepare documentation for potential prosecution and/or asset recovery.

FNBCoweta is committed to protecting both customer assets and bank assets. We take pride in our security culture and management support to provide the utmost assistance to our customers and employees in this endeavor.